Saga Dawa festival tour Tibet  Banner

Saga Dawa festival tour Tibet

  • 5N / 6D
  • All around the year
Discover the spiritual heart of Tibet on festival tour, centered on the sacred Saga Dawa Festival. Held during the fourth lunar month of the Tibetan calendar, this month-long celebration culminates on April, commemorating Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and mahaparinirvana. Pilgrims from across Tibet gather in Lhasa to perform the Kora around Jokhang Temple, offer alms to the needy, and release captive animals, making it the most compassionate day in Tibetan Buddhism.

Explore central Tibet's cultural treasures as you journey through Lhasa, Gyantse, and Shigatse. From ancient monasteries to stunning landscapes, this Saga Dawa festival tour itinerary offers a deep dive into Tibet's religious practices and historical significance. Ideal for those seeking a profound cultural experience, this tour provides a unique opportunity to witness the spiritual fervor of the Saga Dawa Festival amidst Tibet's awe-inspiring natural beauty.


  • 5N / 6D
  • All around the year
  • Festival tour

Outline Itinerary

  • Day 1 Arrival in Lhasa (3650m)
  • Day 2 Saga Dawa festival tour - Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street
  • Day 3 Lhasa Tour - Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery, Wencheng Musical
  • Day 4 Lhasa to Shigatse via Gyantse 360 km
  • Day 5 Shigatse to Lhasa
  • Day 6 Depart from Lhasa





Detail Itinerary

1Day 1 - Arrival in Lhasa (3650m)

Welcome to Lhasa, the spiritual heart of Tibet and a modern utopia. Your friendly Tibetan guide and drivers shall eagerly wait to greet you at Lhasa Gonggar Airport. Upon arrival, you'll receive a traditional white Khada and a refreshing drink during a brief welcome ceremony. Relax and let our team handle your luggage as you enjoy the scenic ride to your hotel in Lhasa city. Your guide will assist with check-in and share the next day's travel plans. Enjoy a comfortable stay at one of Lhasa's luxury hotels, preparing for an exciting tour tomorrow.

Arrival in Lhasa (3650m)
Arrival in Lhasa (3650m)
2Day 2 - Saga Dawa festival tour - Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street

Today, you'll journey to Tibet's most sacred sanctuary, the Jokhang Temple. It stands at the heart of Lhasa's Saga Dawa Festival, a vibrant celebration buzzing with spiritual energy. At dawn, pilgrims flock from every direction to pay homage to the statue of the 12-year-old Buddha inside. They perform Kora, circling the temple along Barkhor Street, an ancient path teeming with life. Around the temple, beggars and humble pilgrims gather quietly, marking Saga Dawa as "the Poor's Day." During this auspicious time, people believe their acts of kindness are magnified manifold, prompting generous donations.

Founded in the 7th century by Tibet's 33rd Great King, the Jokhang Temple shelters the revered statue of Buddha Sakyamuni as a youth. Outside, devotees prostrate in deep reverence. Nearby, Barkhor Street beckons with its bustling markets and the opportunity to join pilgrims in Kora, a sacred ritual encircling the temple or mountain. This day promises a profound immersion in Tibetan spirituality amidst a tapestry of ancient traditions and vibrant community life.

Saga Dawa festival tour - Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street
Saga Dawa festival tour - Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street
3Day 3 - Lhasa Tour - Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery, Wencheng Musical

Begin your day with a visit to Drepung Monastery, the largest Gelugpa monastery, just 8km west of central Lhasa. Enjoy a scenic hike, marvel at the enormous religious painting on the rock, explore the vast monk kitchen, and take in the breathtaking views of the Lhasa valley. Feeling tired? Refresh yourself with a sip from the mountain spring. If you're lucky to visit during the Shoton Festival, you'll witness the awe-inspiring Thangka unveiling ceremony.

After lunch, head to Sera Monastery, the second-largest Gelugpa monastery in Lhasa. Here, you can watch the famous "monk debate" in the lively debate courtyard, where monks energetically slap hands, yell, and jump. You can also admire the intricate sand mandala, visit the Buddhist scripture printing press, and explore the main assembly hall. In the evening, experience the grand Princess Wencheng Real-scene Musical in an open-air theater, showcasing the legendary marriage between Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo and Princess Wencheng from the Tang Dynasty, and immerse yourself in Tibetan culture and traditions.

Lhasa Tour - Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery, Wencheng Musical
Lhasa Tour - Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery, Wencheng Musical
4Day 4 - Lhasa to Shigatse via Gyantse 360 km

Begin your adventure by crossing the lofty Gampala pass at 4790 meters. From there, gaze upon the serene Yamdrok Lake at 4400 meters, encircled by majestic snow-capped peaks. Catch a glimpse of the awe-inspiring Holy Mount Nyenchen Khangsar rising to 7191 meters, the tallest peak near Lhasa. Along the lakeshore, savor different vantage points and immerse yourself in local village life, perhaps sharing a meal with a welcoming family.

Continue your journey, encountering the immense Korola Glacier, Tibet’s largest, where the glaciers icy fingers stretch up the mountainside, a testament to nature’s wonder. Heading towards Gyantse, pause at Simila Mountain Pass to hang prayer flags, offering wishes for global harmony and your loved ones' well-being. Arrive in Gyantse to capture timeless snapshots of its ancient charm. En route to Shigatse, pass through verdant Tibetan barley fields, lush in summer and golden in autumn, punctuated by countless farms. Finally, reach Shigatse, Tibet’s second-largest city. Check into your hotel, unwind, and prepare for the upcoming journey to Mount Everest, rejuvenated and ready for the next adventure.

Lhasa to Shigatse via Gyantse 360 km
Lhasa to Shigatse via Gyantse 360 km
5Day 5 - Shigatse to Lhasa

Tomorrow morning, our first stop will be the residence of Panchan Lama - Tashilunpo Monastery. Here, you'll marvel at the world's largest preserved statue of Jampa, known as the Future God. This monastery has been a sacred residence for many Penchen Lamas over the years. Afterward, we'll journey through the breathtaking Yalong Valley on our way back to Lhasa. Your guide will ensure you're safely transferred back to your hotel upon our return.

Shigatse to Lhasa
Shigatse to Lhasa
6Day 6 - Depart from Lhasa

Make sure to confirm your departure flight or train details with our guide beforehand. Your guide will then accompany you to the airport or train station.

Depart from Lhasa
Depart from Lhasa