Jigme Dorji National Park: Bhutan bird photography Banner

Jigme Dorji National Park: Bhutan bird photography

  • 6N / 7D
  • All around the year
Embark on birding expeditions in the secluded forests of Jigme Dorje National Park and discover historical and religious sites in Paro and Punakha, witness breathtaking Himalayan sunrises. Capture stunning bird species like the Himalayan Monal, Satyr Tragopan, and Blood Pheasants through bird photography sessions. This journey promises an authentic adventure into Bhutan's natural wonders and cultural heritage, away from the usual tourist trails.


  • 6N / 7D
  • All around the year
  • Off-beatan track / Bird photography

Outline Itinerary

  • Day 1 Fly to Paro
  • Day 2 Birdwatching in Chele Pass and Journey to Thimphu
  • Day 3 Bird watching at Dochu La, Lampelri Botanical Park and Punakha
  • Day 4 Birding in Jigme Dorji National Park. After lunch visit Punakha Dzong
  • Day 5 Bird watching at Punakha and continue to Paro
  • Day 6 Hike to Tiger's Nest
  • Day 7 Depart Paro





Detail Itinerary

1Day 1 - Fly to Paro

The tour begins with an exciting flight to Paro from Kathmandu, Delhi, Kolkata, or Bangkok, offering stunning views of the majestic Himalayas. Upon arrival and clearing customs, your guide will greet you.

Our first birding spot is along the Pa Chhu river, where we'll search for elusive Himalayan riverine species like the Ibisbill, blending into the glacial stones as it hunts in the snowmelt. Expect to also spot the Brown Dipper, Common Snipe, and various sandpipers among others. Keep an eye out for the Common Hoopoe, Himalayan Buzzard, and other fascinating birds like the Grey-backed Shrike and Russet Sparrow.

Fly to Paro
Fly to Paro
2Day 2 - Birdwatching in Chele Pass and Journey to Thimphu

We start early today, heading up through ancient forests towards Chele La pass at 3,780m—the highest point of our tour. Along the way, we hope to spot the elusive Grey Nightjar. Upon reaching the pass, be prepared for awe-inspiring vistas of the towering Himalayan peaks like Jhomolhari (7,219m) and sweeping views of Paro and Ha valleys below.

Chele La offers a unique chance to explore alpine meadows and dwarf rhododendron scrub, where Bhutan’s special high-altitude birds thrive. Keep an eye out for Himalayan Monal, Blood and Kalij Pheasants, and a variety of colorful tits, warblers, thrushes, and finches among others.

After a hearty breakfast amidst this natural splendor, we'll continue our birdwatching adventure at Chele La before slowly making our way back to Paro. From there, our journey continues eastward, winding towards Thimphu city, ensuring we capture every moment of Bhutan’s avian wonders and breathtaking landscapes.

Birdwatching in Chele Pass and Journey to Thimphu
Birdwatching in Chele Pass and Journey to Thimphu
3Day 3 - Bird watching at Dochu La, Lampelri Botanical Park and Punakha

Today, we're setting out early to catch the majestic Himalayas as dawn breaks over Dochu La at 3,150m. It’s an incredible scene: prayer flags dance in the breeze beside 108 white chortens, marking a historic moment when the fourth king returned safely from potential invasion. This pass is truly unique, offering unparalleled views of snow-capped peaks on clear days.

In these high-altitude forests, a diverse array of birds and flowering plants thrive. Keep an eye out for stunning species like Hodgson’s Hawk Cuckoo, Darjeeling Woodpecker, and the vibrant Fire-tailed Myzornis—one of Bhutan’s avian treasures. As we continue to Lampelri, we'll explore the Royal Botanical Park, where potential sightings include the elusive Ward’s Trogon, Rufous-bellied Woodpecker, and the colorful Blue-fronted Redstart.
Back at our Punakha hotel, expect encounters with birds like the Slender-billed Oriole and Scaly-breasted Munia during the day, and with luck, we might spy the secretive Collared Scops Owl as night falls. Bhutan's natural wonders promise a day filled with discovery and wonder.

Bird watching at Dochu La, Lampelri Botanical Park and Punakha
Bird watching at Dochu La, Lampelri Botanical Park and Punakha
4Day 4 - Birding in Jigme Dorji National Park. After lunch visit Punakha Dzong

Today, we're headed to the Tashithang Valley, nestled within the Jigme Dorji National Park. Our journey begins amidst lush broad-leaved forests at 1,600m altitude. Here, we anticipate encountering a variety of fascinating bird species: from majestic raptors like the Black Eagle, Mountain Hawk Eagle, and Crested Serpent Eagle, to elusive gems such as the Red-headed Trogon and the enchanting Nepal Fulvetta. Our birding adventure continues with the Spotted Elachura, colorful woodpeckers like the Greater and Lesser Yellownapes, and the melodious calls of Barbets including the Golden-throated and Blue-throated species.

Later, as the day warms, we'll descend to Punakha to explore the historic Punakha Dzong, a magnificent fortress where the Mo and Pho rivers converge. By late afternoon, our quest leads us along the Pho Chhu valley, where we hope to catch sight of the critically endangered White-bellied Heron, possibly the rarest bird in Bhutan, and the globally endangered Pallas's Fish-Eagle. Join us as we uncover the natural and cultural wonders of this beautiful region.

Birding in Jigme Dorji National Park. After lunch visit Punakha Dzong
Birding in Jigme Dorji National Park. After lunch visit Punakha Dzong
5Day 5 - Bird watching at Punakha and continue to Paro

This morning, we'll explore the Puna Tshang Chhu valley in search of various water birds such as the majestic Osprey, graceful Bar-headed Geese, colorful Ruddy Shelduck, and many others including Gadwall, Eurasian Wigeon, Mallard, and Indian Spot-billed Duck. Along the way, we'll also spot Northern Shoveler, Tufted Duck, and Great-crested Grebe among others.

Later, we'll journey through terraced fields at Lobesa and delve into the mixed broad-leafed forest of Menchuna. Here, we'll take a short off-road trail to seek out fascinating species like the Scaly Thrush, Short-billed Minivet, and Ashy Drongo. The forest also hosts the striking Golden Bush Robin, melodious Striated Bulbul, and elusive Pygmy Wren Babbler. After a picnic lunch in this scenic spot, we'll continue birdwatching before heading towards Paro, pausing briefly at Dochu La to soak in its breathtaking panoramic views.

Bird watching at Punakha and continue to Paro
Bird watching at Punakha and continue to Paro
6Day 6 - Hike to Tiger's Nest

After breakfast, we will embark on a hike to Tiger's Nest, also known as Paro Taktsang. This iconic monastery, perched on a cliffside 3,000 feet above the Paro Valley in Bhutan, is a sacred site and a marvel of architecture. Legend has it that Guru Rinpoche, who introduced Buddhism to Bhutan, flew to this location on the back of a tigress. The hike offers stunning views and a glimpse into Bhutanese spirituality, making it a memorable part of the journey.

Hike to Tiger's Nest
Hike to Tiger's Nest
7Day 7 - Depart Paro

Start your day with an early breakfast at the hotel. Afterward, head to the airport for your flight to your next destination. Our representative will assist with exit procedures and wish you a fond farewell.

Depart Paro
Depart Paro